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I got to a point where my inventory was completely full. Will there be a way to get rid of items, or maybe a wallet for souls instead of them being in the inventory?


Cool Short about this game


Linux build pls


Great job! I saw it from Brackeye YT video.  I was just thinking of something similar.  Can't wait for the next release... There goes more hours of playing


Awesome work, I've met your game in a mention by Brackeys, keep it going :D

Bro, absolutely love your game. Are you considering expanding it? It's super addictive I have a hard time stopping playing xD.

Thank you so much! I was actually working on an update adding biomes, multiplayer, and some building options.

I wasn't sure I was going to release it, but this comment makes me want to finish the update


Please do it!! Wish to follow your game, and hope a bunch of people heard about it 

I love this is game and it is so well done for a solo developer. I was wondering if you could upload the source code to Github or something because I would like to study how you programmed such a masterpiece. Thank you for your time.

That's not a bad idea! I could, but the code does look really messy because it's a Jam game

I'll consider it, and thank you for the kind words!

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I have years of experience in Godot so I am confident I can understand it. Thank you considering!

I would also love to team up with you in future projects or game jams. We have a very similar game-style and I like we might work well together! 

Why not!

Awesome! How can I contact you?

You can reach out to me on Twitter @jijigriGames or Discord @jijigri


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Wow, its crazy how great the quality and presentation is


I love the dynamic music, reminds me of Outer Wilds.

Just wish there were more stat upgrades and a UI that shows how much of each important resource you have.


Thank you! Definitely wish I had gotten a bit more time to add more upgrades and stuff, if the game is received well I might make an update

I like the idea of showing the important resources, I'll take note of it